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  • #236664

    You’ll find the old posts from this forum in the archive:

    Forum Archive


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Joel.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Joel.

    Looks really clean around here, Joel. Love the new coat of paint!


    I’m sure it needed a little dusting & cleaning…. but I’m slow to change so it’ll take me a min to get used to it. 😀

    Happy Donut Day, Ree. Joel, Thank you for what you do for all things JT! I’m so glad you’ve kept JTO still going, after all these years!.

    btw… Any word on a 2016 tour, yet?


    Great new look for the forum Joel!

    I created a new topic but it does not show up in the list of topics in the General JT Topics forum (while you can see that the last topic was created by me a few minutes ago, so something happened). Did I forget something?


    Remember when the first forum presentation was replaced, took a while to get used to new format, no doubt this will be the same. As a non techie I am always way behind the curve, however this is looking good. Thank You Joel

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